Politics: My Views & Opinion
Another monday to start the week! I did find it difficult to leave my bed today because me & my fiance are going to this far distant part of the city called: Caloocan. I'm not quite sure which is which, does it really start with a "C" or a "K"? Anyways, we were there to drop our invitation to the humble Mayor of that city, who happens to be my fiance's relative. Yup, we got him as our god parent for our wedding. Me & my fiance were a bit nervous on our way there because we're really not familiar with the place. Well just to cut to long story short, we gave our invitation and left right away because he's quite a busy man. You know how it is in politics, every minute of your time is occupied. That is, if you're really doing your part as a public servant.
I didn't report for work just precisely for that purpose, to meet the man. But at least I had a feeling of how politicians go through their day. I saw how demanding the job of a mayor is, it's really more like acting as a small president in a small town. I never really liked politics not because of how dirty it could be, but I really hate the thought of having enemies because of the people you will unintentionally hurt. My guess is that you could never really have friends in politics because its very difficult identifying one. You'll never know who'll be taking advantage of you and that sucks!!!
It amazes me so much while we were waiting there, the different people you could meet in the Municipal Hall. I just had this funny feeling that most of the people surrounding me (except for my fiance) where blood suckers and parasites on the loose. Sorry about this but this is what I felt at that time. I pity that man for I could see that his intentions were pure but its' quite obvious those people who are taking advantage of him. But I guess, that's what Public Service is all about, feeding the parasites!
Good thing though that I had my class today. My professor is also a member of CFC, so I felt for him on his thoughts about the community. Before we were sent home, I felt a deep stab on what he said: "The Catholic Church had failed in upbringing this country!" I know I'm part of what he's saying because I'm a pure breed practicing Catholic and I really feel for what he said.
Maybe its really about time to mix Politics with Religion! That's all I want to say for now. Whoever thought about dividing the state and religion is full of bullshit and darn stupid!!! Pardon me for the vulgar words, but its really the best one to use anyway! We could never really isolate one from the other or so to speak. So why in the hell did we put that in our book of laws? Could it be possible that our forefathers are atheist? No wonder why we're going nowhere because we never let God lead the way!
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